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Public-Private Sector Partnerships


Public-Private Sector Partnerships

Programme in Public-Private Sector Partnerships

The role of the Public and Private Sectors play in the socio-economic development of the African countries cannot be emphasized enough. Public Sector Organisations were held out as a solution to Africa's development challenges during the post-colonial period. They have since performed poorly as envisaged. Lately, the Private Sector in Africa has been pointed to as the sector that can help contribute to growth and development on the continent. Hence governments have been urged to create an enabling and conducive environment to unable them unleash their potential. But for structural and market failure concerns amongst other reasons, it might not be able to deliver on the desired development that Africa seeks.

Alternatively, a Public-Private sector Partnerships (PPPs) is the best option that can deliver on the requisite development. This 3 month programme will examine the role PPP can play in this respect. The programme will examine and analyse the possible pitfalls that may hinder PPPs from achieving this goal as well as the possible projects that can achieve the required outcomes.

Programme Approach

The delivery of this programme will base on both the theoretical and practical methods. The theoretical will compose of lectures and readings. The practical aspects will include exercises, assignments and class discussions to enhance the participants understanding of this concept.

Programme Objectives

Those who participate and successfully complete this programme will acquire skills in the following areas:

  • An in-depth understanding of PPPs and the important role they play in Africa's development
  • Understand the major characteristics and different forms of PPPs.
  • They should be able to understand governance issues as they pertain to the public sector.
  • How to negotiate and put together PPPs.
  • Understand the risks involved in PPPs and how to mitigate them.

Admission Requirements

  • Directors and Senior Officers in public or private sector organisations
  • A Bachelor's degree minimum
  • 3 year working experience minimum
  • 2 written recommendations
  • Accept to attend a one-week full-time study school

Programme Modules

  • Introduction to PPPs
  • Detail Examination of PPPs
  • Negotiating PPPs
  • Future of PPPs in Africa

Methods of Assessment

The assessment methods of the Programme in Public-Private Sector Partnerships are divided into two. The first is group assignments, where the individual groups are given assignments after each module and the group has to work together on the assignment and report back. The second form of assessments is participation in a one week long study school, where all participants gather for a face-to-face in class version of the programme. There are no examinations. Hence the successful completion of the above mentioned two assessment methods would lead to the awarding of the Programme in Public-Private Sector Partnership Certificate from the African Graduate School of Management and Leadership.

Course Fee : Contact us for info on fee

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