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Center for Sustainable Etrepreneurship

The role entrepreneurship play in the growth and development of countries cannot be emphasized enough. Entrepreneurs are the innovators, risk-takers and indeed those who are able to combine resources such as land, labour and capital to produce goods and services for the marketplace. However, there are equally horror stories the World over where some ruthless entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship schemes have brought a devastative impact on the environment, countries or specific areas they operate in. Such devastative impacts would or have left indelible marks that will last into the future. Other aspects of entrepreneurship may come with good intentions but may create un-intended consequences. Africa in its efforts to develop would definitely need both internal and external entrepreneurs, but it cannot afford not to mitigate against the devastative aspects of entrepreneurship.

There is the need therefore for sustainable entrepreneurship to become one of the cornerstones of Africa's entrepreneurship ethos. This means, it must make sure that entrepreneurs respect the requisite boundaries set by African governments and global organisations to respect life support systems and processes; but also work either singularly or in unison to turn the world's numerous problems into business opportunities by coming up with sustainable innovations.

The Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship at the African Graduate School of Management and Leadership will undertake research, publish, and hold conferences and seminars on sustainable entrepreneurship in general but in particular as it pertains to Africa and its growth and development efforts.